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A rapid iii style gunship flew empty Borasen area where the squad. I mount four rainbow full of murderous missiles, it seems in the face of stubborn enemies can show its mettle. Rainbow i -type missiles and missile as woodpeckers i. Belong to the new R u0026 D of new ground missiles, and woodpeckers i mainly used to destroy missiles and ground-based radar target different carriers, such as radiation, rainbow i mostly accurate missiles to destroy ground targets. The main technical support, Tesla between 2039-2041 developed the ruby laser, helium-neon laser, carbon dioxide laser and some gas laser technology, on this basis, according to jordan shoes sale Tesla has developed tracking radar design louis vuitton handbags outlet a laser gun, laser range finder and tracker.

Tesla developed the core technology is the laser tracker, jordan shoes store maximum range of five kilometers. The ability to use a high degree of fifteen hundred meters, exceeding this height will lose the use of intercepted targets, a maximum speed of Mach forty-eight kg weight, the length of seven meters, diameter 17 warhead shaped armor, unit cost for eleven thousand Chinese yuan. Rainbow i -type missiles after launch, you need to use a laser align ground targets, firing a missile to capture the signal, will be the first time to activate the seeker -guided missiles, and then flew to the location of the laser irradiation, the target destroyed.

Borasen out from the backpack portable lasers,cheap jordan shoes online, quietly stuck his head in the top of the mountain, aligned over four hundred meters away where a German bunker, and soonrainbow i missile will fly off the activated derivative leader, along the reflected laser line, and flew toward the target. A miracle happened, even directlymissile inside the bunker shot from the Germans, in a relatively closed space, played a huge power bomb, German soldiers inside the bunker, almost instantaneously into a mince.


