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"Fierce" chi flat irons Zuizhang Zhang, hesitantly. She would like to say to him, and she was afraid he would betray she said again and live up to his, but in the end, or do not have the heart to say it.She has refused to chi too many more to her number is not clear. She does not know whether a person's heart can withstand a number of emotional rejection, but she knew that was rejected this hurt and this pain, chi will certainly be a double with the increase of the number of rejections and even multiples of cumulative.

If this world is really God arranged for her with chi fate, just wait three years, until the bottom of my heart for all the hurt she sedimentation good, until she was completely buried out of all this different world both good and bad, at that time, he will spend a lifetime with chi, round the dreams of his past lives, doing the only thing he wanted to pet to love the little Stepford Wives.

"Princess, I am afraid Laonu venture, the ability to ask what is happening between the Princess and the chi flat iron?" He hesitated for a moment, the square looked up at the surface look some serious, she said, but there is also respectful."Steward, I chi indeed happened a very unpleasant thing, but sorry, I do not want to tell you." Faint tone, her eyes infected with the slightest cold. Paused, she could not help but ask one, "chi how to physician, after reading how to say?"


